Friday, July 31, 2009

The Oquirrh Mountain Utah Temple. Our First visit To A Temple Open House.

Going to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple, with my family, was a marvelous experience. Unfortunately, Ahmad and Dodge did not get to go with us. Ahmad stayed at a friend’s house for the weekend, and Dodge went back home with his mommy. When we first arrived a couple of brethren were in the parking lot to greet us and show us where the open house began. They had several tents set up so that members and non members alike can go into these tents and view a special program of the apostles and the first presidency’s message about the sacredness and special meaning of the temples. I especially liked this part of the open house, because I got to hear the testimonies of some of my favorite general authorities. Their message was so strong that it heightened my testimony about the meaning of the temples and temple worship. I am so blessed to have had such a beautiful experience. After we watched the program, we toured inside of the temple. It was a joyous experience to walk my beautiful girls through the temple and explain to them the marvelous meaning of all that goes on there. I think they enjoyed it because; they were finally able to put all the lessons that we had on temples together with what they saw that day in the temple. It was a little hard to keep Tymesha to lower her voice, but she knew where we were and she had respect for them temple, just as we had. Once we viewed the baptismal area it was even harder to get Tymesha to settle down. She thought it was so cool and she tried to get into the font to see if the water was cold or warm. We then had to explain to her that that font was not for the living but the dead. She did not quite understand, but she knew she could not get in it. After we toured all the rooms, we went to a reception tent where they were serving cookies and drinks. That was especially fun too. They had the tents set up so pretty with pictures of Christ, a piano, and some lovely furniture. That’s our first Temple Open House Experience.
Now here are some facts about the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. The Oquirrh Mountain Temple is located in South Jordan Utah. It is the 14th Temple in Utah. The ground breaking and site dedication was done on December 16, 2006 by President Gordon B Hinckley. For those of you who want to know the open house will be from June 1- August 1, 2009; and the dedication will be on August 21-23, 2009. The first day the Temple will be open for ordinance work will be on Tuesday August 25, 2009. For more if about this temple or various other temples visit this website I have a testimony of the LDS Temples and of the divine power of our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ. I know that these temples are constructed for our benefit as well as our ancestors. I am grateful to have the truth of the gospel of Christ in my life. It gives my life meaning, peace, and comfort. I hope and have faith in those things which are true and just, and the temples of Christ are one of the few things that I know with surety are true and just. The temples bring peace into my life in my darkest hours of life. I am grateful for them and my heavenly father who has given them unto me and his children for their benefit.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience! We haven't been to a temple open house since before my children started school. It is always such a neat thing!
