Thursday, July 2, 2009

Diara the Affable & Compassionate One!

For this first portion of my blog entry I want to focus on the second youngest member in our family, Tymesha Diara. Tymesha will be 7 years old September 23, 2009. She is very outgoing and a rambunctious little girl. Although at times she can be a little loud, fast, and talkative, she is very sweet, kind, and loving. She adores pets, and always strives to help out with dinner and chores. Tymesha is the kind of kid that laughs in times of difficulties; she is always looking for the best outcome in a situation, and no one can ever pull her spirit down. Tymesha has an ideal family structure view of life. She believes that your mother, father, and siblings should go everywhere with you, and families are extremely important in life. I remember when we got sealed in the temple to the children, before arriving at the temple she had a little chat with us about the nature of family, and about modern families today and the traditional families. At first I thought, “She is way too young to know about broken families and who should be a part of your family and who should not, according to societies view.” Before going into the temple Tymesha asked me and Austin, “how can we be sealed as a family if we (Ahmad, Tymesha, Traneice, and I) are black and dad is white?” Well that got my attention right away! I explained, “Honey it does not matter what race, color, age, or gender you are, FAMILY IS FAMILY!” Of course, then I had to go into a little more details, but I explained to her, in a way that her little mind can comprehend that, God does not care what color your family members are, but that you take care of them, love them, respect them, and look after them. Although she still did not understand how God could join a family together that was of two different races, she now had a profound understanding that family is those who you love and cherish, and not those who share the same skin color as you do. As I mentioned before, one of the greatest traits that Tymesha has is a profound love for her family. I am marvel that a little girl at the age of 4 ½, at the time, understood the importance and sacred meaning of love and family, that she did not want a single one of her family members left out because of their race or ethnicity. She is truly a remarkable daughter. This pleases me because I see her spiritual and physical growth daily and I know that she was sent to me from God; I am honored to have such a gift.
Another time that Tymesha touched my soul with wonder and amazement of her spiritual knowledge was when she told me that I should take a “mommy timeout.” One Sunday I was really stressed because I had tons of school work from the previous week, I had not gotten all my chores done, and I was late for some appointments. I just simply had a really bad week. When Sunday came I was looking forward to my day of rest; I thought I was actually going to rest. Well we had some appointments scheduled on that day that would not allow me to take advantage of resting. I had visiting teaching set up and other church activities to do. Well once dinner time came I was worn out completely. I spent my whole day running around when I should have been resting for the next week, and now dinner was due and I could not bring myself to do it alone. So, Tymesha saw that I was struggling and she came up to me and said, “Mommy I know it is hard sometimes and you need help, what I can do to help?” Even though I knew it was not much she could do, the gesture was enough to lift my spirits to keep pressing forward throughout the day and the week. Tymesha took the imitative of setting the table and helping with some minor cooking. She was awesome that day, I could not ask for a better helper. God sent me an angle in disguise. I do not think I can thank heavenly father adequately for such a beautiful warm and loving daughter. She literally takes my breath away. I love her with all my heart. I am grateful to have the opportunity to know and love her, Tymesha Diara.

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